Monday, August 4, 2014

Adios, Valencia

FSU Valencia Summer Session 2

     As I’m sitting here writing this, it all becomes clear that it is all over now. The best summer of my life is in the past and all I can do is replay the memories left in my head and smile. As they play, I see the faces of those who have come into my life and taught me so much about myself in this short month. The ones who have taught me to care less of the opinions of others, rather to care more of the opinions of myself. As cliché as it may be, I have truly learned more about myself in this past month than I have in 21 years of my life. The learning comes with maturing and realizing that I can no longer be completely selfish. It is important to remember the choices I make in life reflect upon those around me, such as my family.

     I cannot thank my family enough for this incredible opportunity they have allowed me to experience. It was worth every cent and more. I only wish they could have been there to experience it with me. Homesickness hit me over the last couple weeks I was in Valencia. I thank God for it though, because I realize now that some people are not blessed with a family to miss.

     So what now, you say? The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind. It’s unclear what my life holds for me. I have a strange feeling, though, that there are good times ahead. No more merely surviving, but instead it’s time to thrive. They say, “You only get out what you put it,” well I think it’s time for me to find out just what I can get.

It's not ‘goodbye,’ Europe. It’s a ‘see yah later.’